Up-frontier, Inc. Apps

Unity-chan Wony-Buster 1.0.0
Aim the high score, shooting “Wony” with Unitychan!FACE RECOGNITION Technology and SmartAR* Engine automaticallydetect faces and 3D environments and decorate them with fun ARitems.*SmartAR is the registered trademark or trademark of SonyCorporation in Japan and other countries, for the augmented realitytechnology developed by Sony Corporation.This theme requires the latest version of AR effect.After face recognition, control the bombs that spouting out fromplayer’s mouth, and make hit to “Wony” which coming up from thebottom of screen at limited time.Special bomb will works in case player can’t catch up “Wony” or tobuster “Mega-Wony”.Player can launch Special bomb tapping screen.The score result will indicated, and also it evaluates to 4 grades.which are "Bad","Almost","Good", "Excellent”.Player’s face will be decorated with suitable expression to thescore result. Let’s shoot some pics here.If you connect with “GooglePlay Game Services”, you can earnvarious of title in response to the score result.
What if the dinosaur came back to life in thepresent time..?That's the concept of this VR contents.Enjoy feeling walk in town and the thrill of encountering theancient dinosaurs in the town.Considering to view with VR Viewer, We've prepared "single view"and "Side by side view".You can switch its display anytime.■How to use1.Install the application.2. Start up the application in LandScape mode.3 In case you have the VR Viewer, Set the smartphone into it.4. Contents will start automatically.5.The view in display of smartphone will follow to the directionyou face to.Enjoy the world of the powerful 360 view.
Eye-Gaze Input 1.0.0
The demo app for Unity asset "Eye-GazeInput".You can check how it works when you use "Eye-Gaze Input"."Eye-Gaze Input" is basic script to activate the function bystaring.Good combination with FPS and VR content, It brings comfortableinteraction without any tapping button.#Main features of the asset-Simple Implementation just to attatch script.-Easy customize of sample button.-Unity 4.5.5 or later#About this app1. Install this app.2. Start up the app with land-scape mode.3. The view follows to your head's moving.4. If a marker shapes hexagon is stared, the background color willchange.
Head Tracking Camera Demo 1.0
This is a demo app for Unity asset"HeadTracking Camera".It makes possible to experiment VR content using head trackingofsmartphone.Main features :* Controlling the camera automatically using each sensor of iOSandAndroid.* Switchable On/Off stereogram view.* Very simple structure, anyone can use right away."* Unity4.5 or later* iOS6 or later* Android4.2 or later* Additionally, Cardboard SDK is required for Android appbuild.How to use :1.Install this app.2. Startup the app with LandScapemode.3. The view follows to your head's moving.4. You can switch On/Off stereogram view, with the tapping"Switch"button.5. You can reset the default camera position, with thetapping"Reset" button.
かたりべ 1.0
スマートフォンアプリで、テキストや写真や音声を自由に組み合わせて作成したストーリーをPepperにネットワーク転送すると、Pepperが読み上げ再生してくれます。読み上げ再生には「ノーマルモード」と「紙芝居モード」の2種類を用意。「ノーマルモード」では作成したストーリーをそのまま再生、「紙芝居モード」では作成されたストーリーのはじまりと終わりに、拍手等の演出を自動的に追加して読み上げ再生を行います。また紙芝居だけでなく、家族旅行の写真を使った思い出アルバムストーリーや、誕生日パーティの司会進行ストーリー等、様々な用途のストーリーを簡単に作って、家族や友人同士で楽しむことが出来ます。例えばこんな使い方 ・家族や友達の誕生祝いのプレゼンターとして ・解説コメント付きのメモリアル・アルバムとして ・企画会議のプレゼンターとして ・百人一首やかるたの読み手として ・王道はこれ!紙芝居の”かたりべ”として ‥などなど、アイデア次第で様々なコミュニケーションツールとしてお使い頂けます。ソフトバンクロボティクス(株)主催「Pepper App Challenge2015Winter」にて「ベストエンターテイメント賞」を受賞しました。※「かたりべ」のご利用にはPepperとPepperアプリとWi-Fi環境が必要です。※「数字、漢字、ひらがな、カタカナ」以外は使用を控えてください。A smartphone app,andnetwork transfer the story that was created by a combinationoftext and photos and audio freely to Pepper, us with Pepperisreading playback.The reading play prepared two types of "picture-story mode"and"normal mode".Play as it is a story that you created in the "normal mode", atthebeginning and end of the story that have been created inthe"picture-story show mode", and then play back thereadingautomatically add the production of applause and thelike.Also not only the picture-story show, memories album storiesandusing the photos of family vacations, birthday moderated astorysuch as the party, making it easy to stories of a varietyofapplications, you can enjoy with family and friends.For example, how to use this- Family and as a birthday celebration of the presenteroffriends· Commentary with comments as a memorial album- As a presenter of the planning conferenceOf-Hyakunin and Karuta as a reader· Royal road is this! As "Kataribe" of picture-story showEtc. ‥, you can use depending on the idea as a varietyofcommunication tools.Was awarded the "Best Entertainment Award" at SoftbankRoboticsCorp. sponsored "Pepper App Challenge 2015 Winter".※ The use of "Kataribe" requires Pepper and Pepper app andtheWi-Fi environment.※ "numbers, kanji, hiragana, katakana" please refrain from theuseexcept.